Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Friar s Tale Of Geoffrey Chaucer s Canterbury Tales...
Payton Walker Mr. Abel British Lit/comp. 7 November 2016 The Friar’s Tale Many pilgrims in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales held a religious position. Some of these people’s personal ideas have caused debates and criticism over Chaucer’s opinion of the Catholic Church. Critics have discussed the ideas that were presented both subtly and openly. Two of the pilgrims and their tales will be discussed: the Prioress and the Pardoner. Both of these tales offer points of criticism in the Catholic Church. The Prioress introduces herself as being like a child who does not know many words. She is going to try to tell a tale as best as she can. This child-like language can be seen through the whole tale. The Prioress speaks her tale in a fluent, sweet tone. Her innocence, like a child’s, can be seen as she tells her tale. To see the entire criticism of the Prioress’s tale, the General Prologue must first be recounted. The Prioress was described as a very correct lady; all of her actions showed a very refined lady. She was also portrayed as being very sympathetic, â€Å"She wolde wepe, if that she saugh a mous kaught in a trappe, if it were deed or bledde.†(lines 144-146) She was sentimental enough to feed animals the best food she had. Thus, the Prioress was presented as a very compassionate, well-mannered lady. However, in her tale, the Prioress has an obvious dislike for the Jewish. She relates them to the devil, â€Å"Our firste foo, the serpent Sathanas, that hath in Jues herte hisShow MoreRelatedChaucer s The Canterbury Tales1064 Words  | 5 PagesGeoffrey Chaucer, The Author of the Canterbury Tales, is known as the Father of English Literature and is one of the greatest English Poets of the Middle Ages. Chaucer was a soldier, a diplomat, a civil servant, and a courtier, enabling him to experience different aspects of each social ranking, which he demonstrated through his poetry. 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